Staking with PIVX Core Wallet

2023-03-01 Staking

Staking with the PIVX Core Wallet requires very little setup.

Step By Step Guide

  1. Launch the PIVX Core Wallet and make sure it is fully synchronized.
    Synchronized Wallet

  2. Make sure the PIV you have in your wallet have at least 600 confirmations. This can be checked by hovering/clicking on any transaction in the core wallet.
    Confirmed Transaction.png

  3. Unlock your core wallet for staking only:

    • PIVX QT Wallet - click on Wallet Locked/Staking Only, enter your password and confirm
    • PIVX CLI Wallet - type ./pivx-cli walletpassphrase YourWalletPassPhrase 9999999 true
      Unlock For Staking
  4. Confirm that staking is active:

    • PIVX QT Wallet - check the status from the icon on the top of the core wallet
    • PIVX CLI Wallet - type ./pivx-cli getstakingstatus

Staking Active

  1. Enjoy your staking rewards. Rewards will appear as transactions in your wallet

Staking Transaction

Troubleshooting Staking Issues

For any issues related to staking activation or rewards, please make sure you read the FAQ - Troubleshooting Staking page.

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